Umreti v življenje
V knjigi Maharaj Charan Singh odgovarja na vprašanja glede meditacije v obdobju med leti 1960 in 1970. Bralca vzpodbudijo Mojstrove jasne razlage meditacije s tehničnega kot tudi z mističnega vidika. V uvodnem delu je povzetek učenja svetnikov, osrednji del pa se osredotoči (v obliki vprašanj in odgovorov) na pomen meditacije, ustvarjanje meditativnega vzdušja, meditativno tehniko, učinke meditacije ter konča s poglavjem o ljubezni, predanosti in naklonjenosti v povezavi z meditacijo. Naslov knjige se nanaša na meditativno stanje ali proces, ki mu pravimo 'umiranje za časa življenja', saj se duša odtegne iz fizičnega telesa in vstopi v notranja duhovna območja. This book consists of questions and answers concerning meditation, asked of Maharaj Charan Singh during the 1960s and 1970s. The reader will find practical advice and encouragement in his explanations of the technical as well as devotional aspects of meditation. The book begins with an overview of the teachings of the saints, and covers (in question and answer format) the purpose of meditation, creating an atmosphere for meditation, the meditation practice, the effects of meditation, and ends with a section on grace, love and devotion as they relate to meditation. The title refers to the meditative state known as “dying while living,” when the soul withdraws from the physical body and enters the spiritual realms within.English: Die to LiveAuthor: Maharaj Charan Singh Category: RSSB Tradition: The Masters Format: Hardcover, 300 Pages Edition: 1st. 2003 ISBN: 978-81-8256-971-3 RSSB: SV-011-0 Price: USD 12 including shipping. Estimated price: EUR 11.36, GBP 9.86 |