Vadba meditacije je edini način, s katerim premagamo smrt – umremo za vzgibe ega in oživimo moč duše. V knjigi se seznanimo s praktičnimi koraki, ki življenju, posvečenem prizdevanju in radostim v meditaciji, vračajo smisel. Od besed nas vodi k dejanjem, od zamisli k izkušnjam, na potovanje, ki presega omejitve telesa in razuma. The only way to conquer death - to die to the ego's needs and awaken the power of the soul - is the practice of meditation. This book provides a practical, no-nonsense approach to living a life dedicated to the work and joy of meditation. It shows us how to move from talk to action, from concept to experience, so that we can undertake the journey that will transcend body and mind.English: Living Meditation Author: Hector Esponda
Category: RSSB Tradition: Other Authors
Format: Paperback, 168 Pages
Edition: 1st. 2007
ISBN: 978-81-8256-727-6
RSSB: SV-203-0
Price: USD 7 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 6.62, GBP 5.75