![]() 1948年から1951年までのマハラジ・ジャガト・スィンによるサント・マットの教えをまとめた本。25編の講話(7編が全編で18編が抄録)、インド国外の弟子たちへ宛てた書簡集、対話から抜粋した「霊の花束」とで構成されている。科学教授魂の科学であった著者の講話は簡潔明瞭で、霊的純粋さを強調する一方、言葉遣いに著者の真心こもった愛と思いやりを感じさせる。マスター、魂の下落、いかに故郷に戻るか、「霊性の原理」について明確に説いている。 This book presents the Sant Mat teachings of Maharaj Jagat Singh between 1948 and 1951. A chemistry professor by profession, Maharaj Jagat Singh's spiritual discourses were succinct, scientific, and forthright. Seven of these are presented in their entirety along with excerpts from 18 others. Also included are his selected letters to foreign disciples, axioms of spirituality, and notes from his conversations. Maharaj Jagat Singh's words reveal his great love and compassion as well as his insistence on the highest level of spiritual purity. He speaks vividly about the Masters, the downfall of the soul, and how the soul can return to its home. English: The Science of the SoulAuthor: Maharaj Jagat Singh Category: RSSB Tradition: The Masters Format: Hardcover, 240 Pages Edition: 3rd, 2001 ISBN: 978-81-8256-318-6 RSSB: JP-002-0 Price: USD 11 including shipping. Estimated price: EUR 10.41, GBP 9.04 |