Lepa barvna slikanica za mlajše otroke na slikovit način pripoveduje zgodbo o ločitvi duše od njenega božanskega izvora ob času ustvarjenja. Duše, ponazorjene kot posamezne kapljice, so iz božanskega oceana ljubezni poslane v stvarstvo, koder si nadenejo telesa in postanejo del vrtinca življenja. Knjiga prikaže, kako smo vsi otroci istega Očeta in da moramo ljubiti drug drugega ter vse, kar je v božjem stvarstvu. Knjiga se zaključi z opisom, kako Bog pošilja svojo "Veliko Moč, Ljubezen in usmiljenje" na ta svet v podobi Mojstra, da nas prebudi in odpelje v naš pravi dom, nazaj v "Ocean Svetlobe", v katerega se kapljice potopijo in živijo "v radosti, miru in blaženosti ... na vekomaj." This colourfully illustrated picture book for young children graphically tells the story of the soul's separation from its divine source at the time of the creation. The souls, illustrated as individual drops, are sent out from the divine ocean of love into the creation, take on bodies, and become part of the cycle of life. The book illustrates how we are all children of the same Father and that we should love one another and all of God's creation. It ends by explaining how God sends "his own Great Power, mercy and Love" into the world in the form of a Master to awaken us to our true home and guide us back into "the Ocean of Light", where the drops merge back and live in "happiness, peace and bliss…forever and ever".
English: Journey of the Soul, The Author: Victoria Parker Jones
Category: Books for Children
Format: Hardcover, 52 Pages
Edition: 1st. 2005
ISBN: 978-81-8256-653-8
RSSB: SV-197-0
Price: USD 10 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 9.46, GBP 8.22