![]() マハラジ・サワン・スィンが、1919年から1948年にかけてヨーロッパとアメリカの弟子たちに宛てた書簡集で、マスターに直接会うことができなかった当時の弟子たちにとっては重要な指導書であった。詳細なサント・マットの教えや瞑想の解説とともに、世俗の義務を果たしながら神意に委ねた生き方を指針。時代や場所、国家と文化の違いを超えた実践的なアドバイスと愛情のこもった言葉は、霊性の道を歩む現在の献身者たちにも適切である。 This book is a collection of letters written by Maharaj Sawan Singh to his disciples in Europe and America between 1919 and 1948. These letters were the main source of guidance for his early disciples who did not have the opportunity to meet their Master in person. The letters discuss all aspects of the Sant Mat teachings, giving guidance on meditation and living in the will of the Lord while discharging one's worldly obligations. Not limited by time or place, by national or cultural differences, the practical advice and loving words contained in this book are equally relevant to modern devotees on the spiritual path.English: Spiritual GemsAuthor: Maharaj Sawan Singh Category: RSSB Tradition: The Masters Format: Hardcover, 360 Pages Edition: 2nd, 2010 ISBN: 978-81-8256-878-5 RSSB: JP-217-0 Price: USD 13 including shipping. Estimated price: EUR 12.30, GBP 10.68 |