Luz Sobre San Juan

Al dirigirse a un público occidental, Maharaj Charan Singh tomó a menudo los evangelios del nuevo testamento como base de su discurso. Este libro es una transcripción de esas conversaciones, y presenta una interpretación mística del Evangelio según San Juan en la que explica las verdades universales que contiene, las cuales trascienden la doctrina religiosa. El Evangelio se cita versículo a versículo, seguido de explicaciones de Maharaj Charan Singh después de cada versículo. Cada capítulo finaliza con preguntas y respuestas sobre diversos aspectos de la Biblia y la religión cristiana.

When addressing a Western audience, Maharaj Charan Singh often took the Gospels of the New Testament as the basis of his discourse. The original book in English was transcribed from such talks and presents a mystic interpretation of the Gospel according to John, explaining the universal truths it contains which transcend religious doctrine. The Gospel is quoted verse by verse with Maharaj Charan Singh’s explanations following each verse. Each Chapter ends with questions and answers about various aspects of the Bible and the Christian religion.

English: Light on St. John
Author: Maharaj Charan Singh
Category: RSSB Tradition: The Masters
Format: Hardcover, 328 Pages
Edition: 2nd. 2012
ISBN: 978-81-8466-125-5
RSSB: SP-056-0

Price: USD 12 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 11.36, GBP 9.86
Copies: 1 2 3 4 (maximum)

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