Sang Suci Matius
Ditranskripsikan dari rekaman ceramah kepada orang-orang Barat di India dan Amerika, buku ini memuat penjelasan Maharaj Charan Singh tentang Injil menurut Matius. Beliau menjelaskan maksud rohani universal dari ajaran Kristus, termasuk perumpamaan dan Khotbah di Bukit. Di bagian akhir setiap bab disertakan pula pertanyaan dan jawaban terkait ayat-ayat Injil yang dibahas di dalam masing-masing bab tersebut.Transcribed from recordings of discourses to Westerners, this book contains Maharaj Charan Singh's explanations of the Gospel according to Matthew. He explains the universal mystic significance of Christ's teachings, including his many parables and the Sermon on the Mount. Questions and answers are also given at the end of each chapter, pertaining to the verses of the Gospel found in that chapter.
English: Light on St. Matthew Author: Maharaj Charan Singh Category: RSSB Tradition: The Masters Format: Hardcover, 340 Pages Edition: 1st. 2007 ISBN: 978-81-8256-744-3 RSSB: IN-057-0 Price: USD 12 including shipping. Estimated price: EUR 11.36, GBP 9.86 |