Suara Rohani
Buku singkat tentang inti sari ajaran Sant Mat ini ditulis oleh pensiunan pejabat militer Inggris yang bertugas di India sebelum India merdeka. Penjelasan diberikan tentang perbedaan antara spiritualitas dan spiritualisme, juga pentingnya diet vegetaris. A succinct pamphlet written by a former British military officer stationed in India prior to independence, this book illuminates the essentials of the Sant Mat teachings. Explanations are given concerning the difference between spirituality and spiritualism and the importance of vegetarianism. English: Inner Voice, TheAuthor: Col. C. W. Sanders Category: RSSB Tradition: Other Authors Format: Paperback, 46 Pages Edition: 2nd. 1983 ISBN: RSSB: IN-144-0 Out of Stock |