Sant Mat esencial

Este pequeño libro trata sobre lo esencial de Sant Mat. Su objetivo es responder de una manera clara y objetiva a las preguntas que puedan hacer los recién llegados al camino, y recordar a aquellos que siguen el camino espiritual la simplicidad y la fuerza de las enseñanzas.

This brief booklet covers the 'essentials' of Sant Mat. It aims to answer in a clear and objective way questions that may be asked by newcomers to the path, and to remind those who have been treading the spiritual path of the simplicity and strength of the teachings.

English: Essential Sant Mat
Author: Brian Bocking
Category: RSSB Tradition: Other Authors
Format: Paperback, 48 Pages
Edition: 1st, 2019
ISBN: 978-93-88733-69-4
RSSB: SP-266-0

Price: USD 5 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 4.73, GBP 4.11
Copies: 1 2 3 4 (maximum)

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