As culture within Britain has diversified, so too has its food. This book, therefore, includes both traditional British recipes as well as recipes that reflect the modern British population. These have been flavoured to embrace what we now consider to be British taste. It includes a wide range of vegetarian recipes from beverages, salads, soups and snacks, to main course dishes and desserts. This book has been designed to be user friendly and practical. Recipes in this book can be made gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan by substituting certain ingredients.
Category: Vegetarian Cookbooks
Format: Paperback, 228 Pages
Edition: 2nd, 2016
ISBN: 978-93-80077-49-9
RSSB: EN-246-0
Price: USD 9 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 8.52, GBP 7.39