This translation contains more than 500 passages from the recorded discourses of Shams-e Tabrizi's teachings as given to his chief disciple, Jalal al-Din Rumi. We get glimpses of Shams, Rumi's spiritual master, as he transformed Rumi into a God-intoxicated, God-realized human being. The context of Islam and the Sufi expression of inner devotion are underscored in the Foreword. Brief commentaries on the prose give readers a sense of the many meanings contained in Shams' words as captured by his disciples, probably even including Rumi himself, nearly 800 years ago.
Author: Farida Maleki
Category: Mystic Tradition
Format: Hardcover, 372 Pages
Edition: 1st. 2011
ISBN: 978-93-80077-17-8
RSSB: EN-237-0
Price: USD 12 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 11.36, GBP 9.86